What Patients can expect with Naturopathic Medicine:
When you make your appointment, our front desk will direct you to our patient welcome packet. One of the items you will find is our patient intake. We would love to have it in our office at least a day before your appointment so the doctor can take a look at it before your appointment. At your first visit, Dr. Shannyn will want to hear about your medical history, what you have tried and what has worked for you. There will also be a head to toe assessment and a physical exam. Then the doctor will review any previous labs that you have had done in the last 6-12 months and suggest what other information that we may need in order to help you. Discussion about your diagnosis and the standard medical treatment options for your condition may also be a part of your visit. Then you and the doctor will come up with a treatment plan to address what it going on. Sometimes, a patient’s case is very complex and the treatment discussion may be saved for the next visit. We have so many tools to choose from for treatment and we will choose the most successful and effective treatments for you as an individual and what you are experiencing. Some of the tools we use to help you, are:
- Botanicals/Herbs in the form of teas, tinctures or supplements
- Clinical Nutrition and Food
- Homeopathy
- Hydrotherapy or Water Therapy
- Lifestyle Counseling
- Anthrosophical Medicine
- Functional Medicine
- Flower Essences
At every visit, we strive to answer your questions so you understand the reasons behind your treatment plan.
Are you a good candidate for our office?
Here are a few guidelines to help you decide whether our doctors and office is a good fit for your needs. If you are still not sure after reading these guidelines, feel free to call our office for a free 10 minute consult.
- If you are looking for a doctor who will use their knowledge to help guide you through the healthcare world, you have come to the right place. Our doctors draw from many resources to help you find the information that fits you as an individual.
- If you are willing to change your lifestyle and looking for a doctor who will work just as hard as you to help you find your answers, you have come to the right place. Seeing our patients renew their health and be the person they have always dreamed, is why our doctors went to medical school. Patients that work hard to find their answers often see incredible results.
- If you have symptoms or a diagnosis that seems to be mysterious and haven’t found your answers elsewhere, we can often help you by focusing on the body systems involved and where it all started. If you are willing to investigate the details of how and why your body is manifesting symptoms, Naturopathic Medicine is usual an excellent choice.
- If you are looking only for quick fixes that provide relief for your symptoms, naturopathic care might not be what you are looking for. (Keep in mind that naturopathic doctors often do provide symptomatic relief, but that’s not where they stop.)
- If you are only looking for a source for supplements without consulting a health care professional, our office will not work for you. Supplements are for patients and prescribed for their specific needs. We do not carry a certain line of supplements. Our pharmacy includes supplements from a wide variety of companies and we pick the ones that work best for our patients.
- If you want treatment for your disease only, you may be better off seeing a disease specialist. Naturopathic doctors usually specialize in health and the balance of you as a whole. (There is a big difference between just getting your disease treated and actively becoming healthier.)
- If you are simply looking for an herbal or nutritional supplement that takes the place of a drug, you may want to reconsider your options. Nutraceuticals may be less harmful than a drug but it is not a deficiency of the drug or the supplement that is a the heart of your symptoms. Naturopathic Doctors want to help you find the cause of your symptoms to help you achieve balance and health.
Naturopathic Medicine is not for everyone, but if you wish to explore the naturopathic route, we are here to guide you. We offer some of the best naturopathic solutions serving the San Diego community. Schedule a consult or appointment by calling our office!