When patients have congestive heart failure (CHF), the goal of most hospitals and doctors is to decrease the return of patients to the hospital to keep them stable. We have to keep in mind that congestive heart failure is a symptom of something else gone wrong, such as a weaker heart muscle and lack of oxygen.
Simply put, the heart gets behind in pumping and is trying to make up for it. Congestive heart patients do need immediate help, but they also need to find and treat the real cause of why it is happening, or it will continue to be a problem with repeat visits to the hospital. As you can imagine, there are many problems that can lead to these desperado effects on the heart and unfortunate consequences from it. The heart cannot tolerate too many episodes of CHF.
Some of the factors that contribute to eventually developing CHF include arterial disease, lung disorders or damage, high blood pressure, valve disease, anemia, infection, drugs, hormones, and some other treatments. It is worth mentioning that the health of both the kidneys and the blood vessels contributes to increasing blood pressure; it is not so much the heart that affects the blood pressure. As a result, you can see that not everyone who has CHF has the same cause or problems. Each person is unique and deserves treatment options that fit their history and tendencies for effective results.
Preventing and Treating Congestive Heart Failure
Treatment options and natural remedies for congestive heart failure really are vast. The simplest to start with are addressing lifestyle options, including stress management, quality sleep, diet, quitting smoking or exposure, exposure to clean air and sunshine, limiting alcohol intake, and getting regular movement. These are the basics of prevention. Early detection of risk factors and regular doctor visits for an experienced ear to identify any murmurs and cardiac exam can help prevent a debilitating episode of CHF.
During an episode, fluid restriction and strict bed rest are imperative to give the heart the rest that it needs. Any infection needs to be adequately addressed. Some CHF patients have an underlying infection in the gut that has been overlooked. Many problems can be resolved when smoldering bacteria or viral infections are addressed properly. Nutritional deficiencies can also contribute to a tendency toward CHF. Once uncovered, we simply supplement the missing ingredient to nourish the heart.
Natural Remedies for Congestive Heart Failure
There are many options for natural remedies for congestive heart failure. Botanicals are very powerful and effective tools prescribed for the individual with specific goals and are monitored very closely. Some of the safer herbs we use are Cratagus, garlic, and herbs aimed at the nervous system. One of the best tools in my toolbox for stroke victims or any clotting issue is homeopathy. I have seen remarkable changes in my heart patients with homeopathic treatment. It is significant when cognitive function returns, mini strokes stop and do not return, and patients have no more episodes of strokes or CHF.
Homeopathy changes the lives of many of my patients. Hormonal balance or toxicity can be a factor, so we thoroughly investigate the possibilities here. Heavy metals can be stored in the heart, brain, and endocrine glands, decreasing the function of the affected organ. We want to encourage the body to eliminate these dangerous elements with drainage techniques. Water therapy is another tool that can help with circulation and swelling.
Some patients have expressed concern about how their cardiologist will feel if they are looking for healthcare options that will help such a devastating disease as CHF. In my experience, cardiologists are very happy to see their patients get better. I receive regular referrals from MDs for their patients who are looking for natural options that will work for them.
I take treatment for this condition to heart, so don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment by phone.
This post was originally published on November 19, 2014.