The pelvic area is a common place where women can often store emotional pain. We cannot underestimate the power of mental-emotional challenges and grief when it comes to discomfort “down there.” There is a wide variety of reasons why a woman may have a connection of pain. Uncovering the whys can be part of the healing path to a safe and healthy understanding of her own body. Tools for mental-emotional healing can include homeopathy, biofeedback, talking with friends, journaling, flower essences, counseling, and energetic tools.
Of course, there are plenty of physical elements involved as well. Pelvic pain is actually more common that migraines and perhaps as common as asthma and back issues. Estimates find that 9.2 million women in our country suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Many miss work and 40% of gynecological laparoscopies are attempts to discover the root cause. Ablations, hysterectomies, and other medical interventions are not uncommon to seek answers for pelvic pain before it disrupts family life, martial harmony, and employment.
Many women with chronic pelvic pain will have worsened soreness during their periods and will experience vulvar or labial pain and in the external area of your vagina. Vulvavaginitis and vulvadynia are terms I often introduce my patients to since most individuals have not heard of them before. These conditions can often be misdiagnosed as other things, such as chronic urinary tract infections, pain with sex, etc. Fortunately, the majority of women with vulvar discomfort can resolve it with some clear lifestyle, diet, and supplement guidelines. These women find that they get their lives back in so many ways – no longer must they lead reclusive lives and live with pain.
Endometriosis is a pain that starts with the period. Over time, pain extends into most of the month. Endometrial tissue can also cause adhesions, which can be painful. Surgery to remove the tissue is an option, but it is important to level out the hormone cycle and lower any inflammation in the body whether treating with or without surgery. Diet, lifestyle, and herbs can help balance the proper estrogen and progesterone levels during different portions of the month. Sometimes, bio-identical hormones are appropriate.
There are several organs that are intertwined in female anatomy and therefore we must rule out some of the most commonly confused issues when determining the cause of pelvic pain. Interstial cystitis and irritable bowel are parts of the body that can cause pain and can be confused with pelvic pain. Infections in the gastrointestinal system can also be confused with or be a source of pelvic pain. Some pharmaceutical side effects can also cause pelvic or vaginal soreness. Even tendon tears or muscle pulls can trigger aching vaginally or in the pelvic region. It is a wise idea to investigate the neighboring organ systems in order to clearly determine the source.
Pelvic or vaginal agony can seem hopeless and devastating for patients. It is important to acknowledge the discomfort but still remain optimistic about conquering it – this is the starting point for healing. Then, we can work on finding the cause, whether an irritating food, a growth, a chemical imbalance, etc. Next, we find the tools that will provide the best approach for you, which may include homeopathy, IV therapy, water therapy, or botanicals. Our goal is to find answers for you. Peace “down there” creates peace of mind for you.
Nobody should have to endure pelvic pain. Journey of Health is here for you. Call to schedule an appointment.